Nadis are the pathways of the life energies and chakras are the purification and distribution centers of the life energies in our body. When the flow of the energies in the nadis and the purification and distribution processes in the chakras are perfect, we realize our divine true Self. If there is any blockage or disturbance in the nadis or in the chakras, we are disturbed and go away from our true divine Self.
Nadis and chakras are deeply related with the four forms of life energies, physical energy, mental energy, emotional energy and the spiritual energy. For a perfect life we need balance of these four energies. These four forms of life energies are interrelated and overlap each other. Chakras play an integral role in balancing these four energies and keeping our mind-body healthy. When balanced, our chakras contribute to immune system and enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. Through meditation you can purify the nadis and the chakras. Purification refers to the separation of gross and subtle negative elements from the raw energies. It includes filtering of negative thoughts, toxin food elements, negative actions, negative visions, negative words etc.
There are many nadis and many chakras throughout our body. However, 72000 nadis and 114 chakras are most prominent. There are 7 major chakras, 21 minor chakras and 86 micro chakras in human body. Among the 114 chakras, 112 chakras reside within the body and the other 2 are outside the body.
Among the major seven chakras, one is present outside the body, over the head region. There are 21 minor chakras distributed all over the body. Head, heart, navel, throat and base of the spine are the five main areas of the major chakras. However, minor chakras are located in our hands, legs, tongue, knee, elbow, clavicles, shoulder, eye, ear and nose. All the chakras are not active all the times. Some are prominent and some are dormant.
7 Chakras:
1. Muladhara: The Root Chakra – located at base of the spine. Associated with red. It affects your confidence, trust in life and self-esteem. It is from here that our base instincts arise; the need to survive or the fight or flight reflex. Hindu God –Lord Ganesh and Brahman.
2. Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra – located below the navel. Associated with orange. It affects sexual desires, attractions and the need to procreate. Other emotions, such as, anger, fear and hatred stem from this chakra. Hindu God –Lord Vishnu
3. Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra – located at the bottom of the breast bone. Associated with bright yellow. It affects the lower back, digestive system, liver and gall bladder. Feelings that are associated with this chakra, include, determination, self-acceptance and will power. It is here that instinctual emotion translates to more complex emotions. Hindu God –Maharudra Shiva
4. Anahata: The Heart Chakra – located at the center of the chest. Associated with green. Feelings associated with this location are love, compassion, emotional security, forgiveness and loving kindness. Hindu God –Ishvara
5. Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra – located at the throat, over the larynx. Associated with blue. It is the source of our ability to communicate, and express creativity and individuality. Hindu God – Sadashiva
6. Ajna: The Third Eye Chakra – located at front of the head in between eye brows. Associated with indigo. The mind, as the sense organ and action organ are associated with this chakra. Feelings associated with this chakra are spirituality, awareness, and sense of time. Hindu God -Ardhanarishvara –an androgynous form of Hindu god Lord Shiva and Parvati, also known as Devi and Shakti
7. Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra – located at the top of the head. Associated with purple, or gold. It is from this chakra that all others emanate. It relates to pure consciousness. In Hindu literature, it is known as “the supreme center of contact with God.” Here liberated ones abide in communion with the Self. Hindu God – Lord Shiva.