Energy, matter and sound are very important in our life.
Energy - Keep us alive, it is our soul (Aatman) which is a part of Cosmic energy (Brahman)
Matter - Physical form, i.e. life forms, planets and everything we can see and touch.
Sound - Structured the matter into shapes and forms, and put the energy into life forms.
Will be discussing only about sound in this chapter. For Energy & matter, check the chapter - 1.
Sound plays a very important role in our life and yet we do not understand it completely. Do you know how sound works?
Sound is available in various forms in our life. For instance, music. We listen to music, it could be any type we like. Either it's a song or it's a mantra. The sound works for everyone differently. Why? Because we all have different frequencies. Also, sound might be the reason for how all matter and energy came in shape.
Sound waves are characterized into three types. Audible sound waves are those that humans can hear. Infrasonic waves are those that are too low-frequency (below 20 Hz) for humans to hear. Ultrasonic sounds waves are those that are too high-frequency (above 20,000 Hz) for humans to hear.
Every kind of sound has its own different wave frequency on which it vibrates too. All objects also have different frequencies. You may have noticed that when we listen to a song, or should I say a particular song, we feel good. We feel good because we listened to that particular song, because we like that particular song, and we like that song because its frequency matches with our frequency.
Sound works as a kind of therapy for us and even for nature. You just have to match the frequency. How? Well, now that is the issue here. What if we were able to do that? It is possible only if we have a way, an instrument or something to determine frequencies of all the objects.
In a previous chapter, I mentioned that all matter has different levels of frequencies, even humans. Now, I will give an example first, to understand this concept in a better way. So, take radio for an example. Radio has different channels or stations we can say. When we want to access another station we just rotate the tuner and we slide the bar to the next working station. And before we complete shift to that station, we are not able to hear a proper sound. We get noise and disturbances. Because there is no station. So, to access a station we use a tuner.
Now, about us, same thing can work for us only if we know how to access that particular station, which in our case, can be anything like if you want to be a success person, you want good result in school, you can achieve almost anything you want only if know how to channel that particular thing's frequency, you want to achieve.
How does it work? This is important to understand.
This universe has everything for us to provide. We just don’t know yet how to receive that from the universe. This chapter is based on sound and words so I’ll focus only on that for now. So, every letter, word and sentence that comes out of our mouth, contains its own frequency and vibration. Those words or letters trigger the frequency of nature around us. It's very important what you say because it depends on the words you say. Lower frequency words will disappear in the universe. And higher frequency words will surely trigger some frequency. Now this frequency can be positive or negative too. As I said, it highly depends on the word you say. If your words trigger or match something negative, some bad will happen. Bad can be physical or spiritual. Similarly, if your words trigger something positive, good, some good will also happen. For example, some mantras are said to be very dangerous and cannot be said just like that due to their negative impacts. There is a procedure to chant them. That is why some pandits give you a mantra to chant to achieve something, you might be facing issues with. What they do actually, they are the combination of some selective letters which can trigger positive frequencies of the universe, if chanted in the right way.
These mantras were given by the deities, as we call them. Or may be structured by ancient sages. Because they had the knowledge of the universe.
Let me help you to understand this through a hypothetical example. I’ll tell you where I saw this.
There is a boy and a girl. The boy has a very low frequency and a girl has a very high frequency. They want to be together but whenever they come near each other, something bad starts to happen. They may fight, they say things, sometimes accidents happen around them, because nature becomes disbalanced due to mismatch of frequencies. You can take it like you want to achieve something but even after giving your best, you cannot achieve it. Why? Because your and the thing you want has very different levels of frequencies due to which whatever you do, nothing works. So, back to the story. So, they decided to stay away from each other. But the boy wanted her as he loved her so much. So one day his friend saw him sitting sad. He asked him and knows the problem now. After some time his friend gave him a device. So, whenever there is a disbalance in the frequency in the nature around him, there is a word that will be displayed on this device. Now the boy must say this word which appeared on the device. And everything will be balanced again. So, next time he meets with his girl, and some bad things start to happen around them again (due to their highly different frequencies), a word is displayed on his device. Boy said that word out loud, and then everything was okay. So what was that device? You can think of that device as the radio I talked about. What this device does is when there is a disbalance around him in nature, this device analyzes the frequencies around him, and to balance that disbalanced frequency, a word is needed which is displayed by that device. When those exact words were said, the frequencies were balanced, and nothing bad happened around him again. It was a movie, named “Frequencies (OXV: The Manual)” based on how frequency and sound works.
So, the way radio works, the way we can tune it to the right station, it was shown in that movie that if we know the right word to say, we can achieve anything. Now, this goes in a negative way as well. I forgot to tell what was the word that displayed on his device. Actually it was some random words, nothing specific. So, it is very important that every word that comes out of our mouth should be valuable. Because you never know what good or bad it holds for you. See, it is just words. We decided what we wanted to call them. You can call a horse something else. It really doesn’t matter. It's only that we live in a society and the words are already specified.
If we have something like that, like that device, which can show us exactly what to say to trigger the right frequency, you will be able to achieve anything you want, or should I say everything will be under your control. Because you will have the power of the universe. Yes it’s that powerful.
Sound is also the reason for combining the matter. As I have mentioned in a chapter (11-Om, Black & White hole) about the word ‘OM’. So, at the start of the universe there was a sound of ‘OM’. That is why ‘OM’ is considered as a sacred word and it’s chanting as well. So this word helped the scattered matter to combine into a form, which we know as planets. Gas formed into nebulae. This is how our universe came into shape. Same goes with clapping hands, bells in temples, and other music instruments invented in ancient times in India.
This is why there are mantras. The manifestation of what you want also can be triggered through some specific sounds i.e. mantras. Oh! I remember one more thing when I am talking about this. Do you remember that in Indian religious series we saw some aghori or tantric chanting some words then something appeared in their palm. That is the power of words and sound.
Words have the power to trigger a specific frequency and Sound has the power to combine or form matter and shapes. Words tell the sound what to create / destroy.
Ancient people had knowledge of the universe. They knew how sound and word works. That is why they created mantras. There are some specific times and conditions to chant these mantras to work. Otherwise they are just another word.
It required a combination of five precise sound frequencies together in a set to be able to fully restore the resonant frequency and function of any part of the human body and energy field (scientifically proved). These invisible waves of sound, structured all of matter. This is the field of cymatics. The five precise sound frequencies because the human body has 5 energy layers aka ‘Pancha Kosha’.
Cymatics is the study of sound and vibration to make them visible, typically on the surface of a plate, diaphragm or membrane.
Must watch both
In this experiment, they put some powder, gels or liquids on a plate, which start to appear into a shape when a particular sound is playing.
In the images it is shown how they set up for the experiment. In the second images some patterns are also shown with particular sound frequencies such as 345 Hz, 1033 Hz and 1820 Hz and so on. So, at what frequency ‘Om’ sound was generated that caused all physical matter to be formed in planets and other life forms? Now I can understand why ‘Om’ is said to be the most important word to chant or clap hands in bhajan or satsangs. Also, this is why we have goosebumps or something that our body feels when a particular music is played. Because that sound may be triggering our matter i.e. body cells and we get goosebumps. Like those horror movie sounds.
By seeing the above images, one can understand why chanting ‘Om’ is said to be a powerful instrument (yantra) for us. All the mantras also hold some frequency and vibration that can really evolve or cell. Those yantras were not meant just to keep in offices. Those were meant to be played. I wonder if this sound can heal a person physically, mentally or spiritually. For instance, if we keep playing the sound of the word ‘OM’, for a day or a year, to a person, who is in coma, is it possible that he will wake up some day? I wonder.
Also, in India, before marriages, parents of boys and girls get their Kundli checked. There is a system of matching 36 types, which is also called 36 Guna. Maximum match of Guna is considered to be a good match. Now, I also wonder if these 36 Guna are also a type of 36 frequencies in actuality. As every human body is made of different geometric patterns of sound, then 2 body geometry patterns of 2 people have to match each other in order for both to be able to be with each other, which we call compatibility. What if these geometric patterns have 36 types (36 frequencies) to match first? What if these 36 Guna matches are actually the match of these geometric patterns of sound? When all these 36 Guna / frequencies or maximum as required, are in sync with each other, of both bodies, there is harmony, harmony of both geometrical patterns. There is compatibility. Big chance.
So, our energy (soul, aatman) also has a structured energy field too, into a particular geometric pattern, a geometric code. And when we die, only this energy, this energy pattern stays with us. That is why when our energy (soul, aatman) reincarnates into a new matter (Body), it doesn't get lost in the ocean of the universal energy (brahman), because it has a particular code, which makes it differ from the other energies. So, you will be just you, past life you.
The way the sound structured planets or life forms, its higher frequency can kill us too. Our universe, our bodies, other life forms, plants, everything is created in these sound patterns, in these geometric shapes.
Every person likes different kinds of sound or music. Some music makes them feel better, some make them cry, some of them make you feel passion, and some sounds make you angry or disturb you. These sounds can be from an instrument or from a person. This is why you like someone because your frequency likes their body & their sound frequency (as I’ve mentioned above a match of 36 types (guna). And there are also some people you don’t like because your frequencies do not match. When the frequencies of two people match, they like each other and they become friends. When frequencies do not match people stay away from each other or they become enemies.
We don’t like someone when they keep admiring themselves. It irritates us. We don’t like those kinds of people. Maybe because the sound frequency and vibration of the word ‘I’ (ego) is not just low or high, it is just negative. Is this why in Indian vedas they have given us the 5 moral evils i.e. kaam (lust), krodh (wrath), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and ahankar (ego or excessive pride)? If only the sound of these has negative frequencies and vibes, then surely a person who has these in their personalities, shall face downfall.
By this research, I have learned that everything vibrates on a frequency. Life forms, plants, people, male, female, vegetables, fruits, animals, parts of the body, good, bad, positive energy, negative energy everything. Because if everything is created through the sound into some specific geometric patterns, and if we have a way to break the geometrical code of that particular thing, to know its frequency, and then access that frequency, control it, and possess it, then, we can, simply, just have what we want.
My brain is only a receiver, in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists. - Nikola Tesla
Everything in creation spins and vibrates. Everything has its own Prime resonance frequency. Everything. And this is why, once we can identify a prime resonance frequency of a bacterium or an atom or whatever it is, or a soccer field, we can then manipulate that object with its prime resonance frequency. In Christianity, it's "The Word". In Hinduism, it's "OM". The Egyptians believe the universe was sung into creation. The original people of Australia believe that the world was created with three sacred songs.
And then we have the phenomenal similarities between the six days of creation in Christianity and "The Word" that created everything. The six aspects of "OM". OM-MA-NI-PAD-ME-HUM. And the six aspects of the all seeing eye of Horus. So you start seeing the connections between all these ancient cultures and the creation stories. Sound is a source of all creation. Sound and resonance is responsible for everything. By now you should know that sound manifests physical form. The Cymatic experiment is a most basic example of that. Every frequency has its own specific shape, A prime resonance frequency. And in a cymatics experiment, you only see a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional effect.
So the original people of Australia have a creation story that says time began when the supernatural beings awoke and broke through the surface of the Earth. So imagine the surface of the Earth being something like this metal plate, being the surface of the Earth and the supernatural beings broke through the surface of the Earth and then they created the surface of the Earth with three sacred songs. Check this video on Dr. Hans Jenny's experiments in animation with sound and vibration. He did it with the powder. Not the liquid or jelly. And that powder formed a shape of landscape over extended periods of time. Mountains can form valleys, volcanoes, all to do with the sound of the earth, coming out of the Earth. The creators of the religious symbols knew exactly what they were talking about, that the source of creation is sound itself. Sound pretty much does everything you can imagine because it's a source of creation. And this brings us to using sound as a tool in Technology. Sound creates light. It's very obvious we know that God said in the bible, let there be light and you can do this Yourself by attaching a speaker to an LED light and see what happens. Royal Raymond Rife, the man that found a cure for all disease with sound and resonance that were converted to Electric impulses. Sound continues to amaze us. Sound can levitate too. Check this video of levitation.
Sound does levitate things. But this is not how the Ancients used to levitate the very big heavy objects. This is a very different technique used in this video. That is just pressure waves that can levitate very light objects. But it does give you the ability to imagine that sound actually levitates. Sound create hurricanes.Two guys in 2003 that lodged a patent to create hurricanes out of sound. Believe it or not. And this is maybe how they create the weather for us, without us even realizing it.
If you want to find out the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
- Nikola Tesla
(Right gif) Everything is sound and magnetism. Moving sound manifests as toroidal Fields. Moving toroidal fields create magnetic fields, and moving magnetic fields create electricity. That's the sequence of events. This tells us that because sound creates magnetic fields it means everything must be magnetic in some sort of way.
Here is a picture of an electron (Right). This picture was taken about a decade ago. They tell us that this is a light beam or electron riding a light beam. Do you see a particle anywhere in this picture? No, there's no particle. They're resonant waves and yet they tell us it's an electron. Can you see how we get brainwashed?
So this is what Nikola Tesla has to say about the electron, from an interview in 1928. On the whole subject of Matter, in fact, Dr. Tesla holds the views that are startlingly original. He disagrees with the concept of atomic theory of matter, and does not believe in the existence of an electron as pictured by science. This is a shock to the system. Einstein says, he doesn't quite understand how electrons come into being. And he tells us that millions of people all over the world are being fooled by the non-existing electrons.
(Image 1, above) So, you can understand very clearly that we're dealing with cymatic patterns. That's what a stone circle is. It's just a representation of the sound frequency that comes out of the Earth at that specific point. Every time you see a flower-shaped stone circle, it means they actually built an ancient giant magnetron. Like these magnetrons, (Image 2 & 3, Below) that can metal in a split second. Two Magneton scientists were asked, how much energy would be generated by a magnetron of 40 meters in diameter? Remember, that a tiny magnetron can create so much energy and a laser beam that cuts metal in a split second. It literally just melts the metal. So the scientists answered that a magnetron of that size (that flower sized) would create more energy than all the power plants on Earth together combined.
We have thousands of these magnetrons in southern Africa (Image 4, below). These are generating so much energy. And we know this because we measured it, we measured the sound frequencies, the electromagnetic fields and loudness and decibels. And it's just insane what's coming out of these turn circles.
So when you look at ancient structures built out of stone, you realize that these guys knew exactly what they were doing. They understand that stone is the tool that carries information within it, storage capacity, it's an energy source and that's why they used stone, not because they were stupid, but because they were very smart. We're the dumb ones but we're catching up quite quickly. So what's very obvious now is that all these ancient structures from the pyramids, barabadur Etc are ancient machines. They were giant machines built out of stone, to create or to perform specific functions. It's just the function that we haven't figured out. It's powered by the sound of the earth, and activated by the movement of the sun. Even the symmetrical patterns coming out of Stonehenge (Image 5). Although Stonehenge has been completely reconstructed, there are still very powerful symmetrical patterns coming out of stonehenge. This tells us that its original structure is still very specifically created as a resonating device, an energy device. All this ancient stuff that we're dealing with, are just ancient machines, are just advanced technology on a gigantic scale (if you watch them carefully from a distance).
The obelisks in Egypt (Image 6), they ring like bells if you listen to them. When you go to these temples in Egypt, they will tell you that they were built for offering, and praying. It sounds like nonsense. It's just too many pillars. And all those pillars (Image 7) are clustered together. Why would they build them like that? But then the more you look at it the more you would realize that they were inspired by realizing that the stone circles were powerful energy generating devices. If you look at them from an angle or from a distance, you would realize that this is just something very different, you would realize that they were not just the temples, but they were actually templates. We are actually looking at gigantic energy circuits (Image 8), circuit boards on a gigantic scale that we could never have imagined. It's just beyond our imagination (Image 9). The scale that these guys were building things on is something way out of our perception.
Macro processors become gigantic macro-processes (Image 10). We were told that these were places of worship, these temples, and then this is where the people lived. No, these are giant macro-processes and that's part of the circuit board (Image 11). You see the pyramids as just monuments (Image 12), but they were just giant powerhouses, creating huge amounts of energy. Same with the Indian temples in south and all over in India (Read Chapter 2). It's written in Vedas, that ancients were very specific about making temples. Temples were made exactly at those points on the Earth where the magnetic fields were strong, the same as the human body having acupuncture points. Consider earth as a circuit board and the temples as those black chips on the circuit board. This megastructures were build on those points to store the magnetic power so that people could have the benefits of that.
You start to see things very carefully, and you will start recognizing how all this fits into ancient history.
A matrix is a rectangular array or table of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns.
1. Addition of 1-9 numbers
2. Addition of Table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
3. No. 108 = 9 & 786 = 3
4. 12 Months = 3, 24 hours = 6
5. Dividing the 360 degree directions into half, always answers in 3, 6, & 9
6. 12hr and 24 hr Clock repeats 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9, 3
7. A-Z alphabet total (1-26) always repeat 1-9 numbers
8. Multiply Alphabet numbers (1-26) with infinite number 8, answer will be 1-9 numbering
9. Addition of 1-8 with reverse 8-1 is 9. Eg. 1+8=9, 2+7=9
10. Doubling like cells or half, 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, always give you 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, endlessly, lacking 3, 6, 9
11. Doubling/half of 3 will give you 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, Endlessly
12. Doubling/half of 6 will give you 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, Endlessly
13. Doubling/half of 9 will give you 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, Endlessly
14. Repeating 1-9 numbers 3 times. Eg. 111, 222, 333 to 9
15. Digital root of any number which includes either 9 or 0, the result will be same.
One of the beautiful things that we've discovered in decrypting the real DaVinci Code is that there is a musical note, a tone frequency called A440 Hz tuning. That is the standard tuning. When you turn your radio on, you listen to any music from rap to rock and roll to classical, it plays in A440 hz. Where that source is from is back in 1918, the Rockefeller family and the Rockefeller Foundation, funding the Arts, paid for the American Federation of musicians to Institute A440 hz tuning. It was not very successful. The world's leading musicians screamed, saying, "How can you do that? We have all these wonderful music played in different tunings”. They didn't have a good time with it. So they gave it over to a publicist, Joseph Goebbels, propaganda Minister for the Third Reich. So that propaganda administered by Goebbels eventually got the world to create the standard tuning of A440 hz, Which, if you understand bioenergy and biophysics, this frequency A440 hz, it puts a resonant frequency block from neck to down (as shown in the screenshot). So if you're wondering why the world today is gone literally egoic into paganism, honoring the false gods of Medicine of science, the false gods of popping magic pills to cure every ill, you realize that all of this egocentrism has been primarily done by the changing of the frequencies by which we literally thrive / grow.
So, the real DaVinci Code deals with the musical mathematical Matrix of the universe. The real DaVinci Code deals with water and water science and hydrosonics. Who are you? Sound created us. Sound comes from letters. Letters have numbers. Like A=1, B=2 and so on. So we are made of numbers. Zeros and ones. We are a digital that's mathematical bio-holographic biology. A digital bio holographic precipitation, like a little nitis in the cloud, suddenly begins to precipitate into a drop of rain and drops and Falls to Earth, that's precipitation. A digital bio holographic precipitation crystallization, water, 80% of your body. Water is a tetrahedron structure. It's a liquid Crystal superconductor. So you're a digital bio holographic precipitation crystallization. Miraculous manifestation of divine frequency vibration coming out of water.
The sound of creation happens to be nine core creative frequencies. There's only nine numbers in the universe. And 3, 6 and 9 are the base numbers that Nikola Tesla taught his students. If humanity only knew the power of the 3, 6 and 9 It would be a completely different universe. Ten is a man-made concept. Zeros are placeholders in the decibel system. it's not of God. It's not God's language. 3, 6, 9 = Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. The Universe revolves around Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. It also theorizes that each of the three numbers - especially the number 9 - holds dominion over the laws of our universe.
So you will always have the number 3, 6 or 9 in all spiritual things, in mostly I have noticed.
So while I was researching about these, the matrix, the numerology, I was also listening to meditating music on youtube. It says 999 hz + 963hz for different purposes. I had some recommendations with the hz written in the starting of the titles. See the screenshot below.
In hindu culture we have the importance of the number 108.
1 + 0 + 8 = 9
Muslims have the importance of the number 786.
7 + 8 + 6 = 21
2 + 1 = 3
You will always have the numbers 3, 6 or 9.
Space is defined by 3 dimensions.
Additions of all the degrees in the above directions are 9.
A circle has 360 degrees. (3+6+0=9)
Semicircle has 180 degrees. (1+8+0=9)
One fourth of circle has 90 degrees. (9+0=9)
45 degree (4+5=9)
22.5 degrees. (2+2+5=9)
11.25 degree (1+1+2+5=9)
Now see the sum of angles of regular polygons.
Triangle=180 degree (1+8+0=9)
Square= 360 degree (3+6+0=9)
Pentagon= 540 (5+4+0=9)
Hexagon = 720 (7+2+0=9)
Heptagon=1080 (1+0+8+0=9)
Octagon = 1260 (1+2+6+0=9)
Earth latitude and longitude in degrees (3 6 9)
There are 24 hrs in a day; 2+4=6
There are 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute; 6+0=6
So the full revolution is a 6, half is 12 addition of which is again 3. Around the 12 hour clock you constant 3, 6, 9 oscillation. 3 o clock, 6 o clock, 9 o clock, 12 o clock (1+2=3), then 15 o clock (1+5=6), then 18 o clock (1+8=9), then 21 o clock (2+1=3) always 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9, 3, 6, 9.
We're talking about the language of creation.
English is a mathematical creative technology. There is an alphanumeric for every letter. For every letter, there is a number. 9 is the complete. 8 is infinite. And 0 is a placeholder for the decibel system.
So the sacred language is Hebrew, ancient Aramaic, Babylonian and Sanskrit. Because they are created in a very unique way. They were considered sacred languages. Because when you spoke them, the resonant energy had an immediate divine intercommunication communion.
Harman Mueller, Russia's top space-time physicists. (Below images) He basically evaluated the structure of the standing gravitational wave of the universe. And he said, you know what this looks like exactly on a cosmic level, it reflects the microscopic level of DNA. His thesis Advanced that there are nodes into which physical reality manifests. Doesn't happen everywhere along the way. It happens in certain spots where the energy is just like at the center of a figure 8 (infinite symbol). There's a unique spot, one spot where the energy vectors cross. Right there is a node. And he says in the grandstanding wave of the universe, there's six places that actually physical reality manifests within a wave. He calls it "IN (6)". Now what does the bible tell you and how many days did the creator create the universe? In six.
The structure of your DNA which is an antenna to the Creator. The primary function of DNA served by water is to receive and transmit energy signals, photons of Light, phonons Of Sound. And that the water itself is all in the Matrix of DNA. In and around DNA is water. What kind of water? Structured water. Your energy from your DNA if you don't have water, structured water, that six-sided hexagonal shaped structured water, if you remove as little as 8%, what you get, are the same DNA strands that have lost 8% of their water. If you understand the energy dynamics of it you see that the electromagnetic potential drops dramatically. So that this is the connection between you and the Creator and if you want to really do what the highest holy persons on this planet really do when they commune with the Creator you have to understand the Divinity of water and the capacity of water to serve you maximally. If you're dehydrated you are not going to have any blessing. If you have a pH a body chemistry, pH Parts, hydrogen, power of hydrogen. What's the power in hydrogen? Electron. Every energy in the universe, every movement from the blinking of your eyes, the movement of my lips right now is because of electron flow. The universe is a piezoelectric current. Everything is based on this understanding of the electron negatively charged goes to the carrier. OH (Hydrogen and oxygen), water H2O. H+(+)OH-, that minus charge happens when that electron goes to the oxygen. The oxygen, the element number 8 (in periodic table), creator's number, creator's element for healing. It's all in the water, the numbers, the matrix, in your DNA. Because DNA consists of water.
The cells multiply from 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8 and so on. And if we arrange this process mathematically, then we obtain this sequence.
And if we apply the digital root method, you will get 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5.
And if you do it in reverse, you will still have the same numbers. (Image 2)
If you have noticed, 3, 6 & 9 are missing in that.
Research shows that digits coming in this pattern 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, & 5 represent the third dimension. That is, these numbers interconnect with each other and create a world of three dimensions. And these constant repeating numbers show that energy never ends, but only converts from one form to another, just like these numbers. Just like these numbers are increasing but yes the sequence and the answer is the same.
Now, if you double the numbers 3, 6 & 9 see the pattern in the below image 1.
Table of 3, 6 & 9, image 2.
Repeat the numbers from 1-9 at 3 times and the total is still 3, 6 & 9.
Refer above image. Number 9 sits at the top like a king, Which controls 3 & 6 numbers. And 3 & 6 control the other numbers. Number 3 controls 1 ,2 & 4. Number 6 controls 8, 7 & 5. All the numbers make up this universe under the observation of 9. These numbers show that 9 works as an axis in nature. Number 9 is the main source of all the universe's energy, frequency and vibration. All the power of this universe seems to be working in pairs, like earth's two magnetic poles, north and south, magnet's two points positive and negative, two types of energies like good and bad, but it's an illusion. Everything happens in three pairs. Like in a magnet we see only two poles, but there are 3 poles. The 3rd pole is the axis of the magnet which gives power to the two poles. 3 is the number which is used to make most of the things in this universe. Like in an atom there are three particles, proton, neutron & electron. The whole universe is created because of these atoms. Charges are also of three types, positive, negative & neutral. Time exists in 3 tenses, past, present and future. And as much as the role of 3 is, so it is the role of 6. Because if you go into details about the atom, it does have 3 particles but it has 6 components. 3 particles and their 3 charges. That means numbers 3 & 6 working in pairs. And this happens under the control of number 9. Despite being present in everything, it does not seem to be seen anywhere. It's like it works under the shadows. Number 9 is a complete number in itself.
Refer above image. You take any number in which number nine or zero is present. Now let's find the digital root of this. (Above image). If you find out the digital root of a number which contains 9 or if you replace 9 with 0, the answer still will be the same. And it will happen with every number in which the number nine or zero is present. It's like it doesn't matter if there is number 9 or not. You all know that after multiplying zero with any number, the result is 0. In the same way, even after multiplying 9 with any number, the result will be 9. That means, the number 9 is there in all, and may not.
Refer above image. There are two energies in the universe. Male and female. And we represent these two energies with triangle. For male triangle points upwards and for female triangle points downwards. In Hinduism, we represent the three main Gods, with the male energy triangles. And we represent the three main Goddesses with the female energy triangles. And these 6 Gods and goddesses are mainly considered to be the creators of the whole universe. And when we combine the power of these 3 Gods and 3 goddesses, we get to see such a pattern, number 6. And the addition of these is again 9. It seems like it's always there, number 9, but we can’t see it.
There are 10 numbers in our number system in which the number 9 comes last, and after that no number comes. Ten is not a number, it is just a concept which we use to make our point. In fact everything starts from number 9 and ends after coming back to 9. The numbers coming in the middle (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=9) also merge in this itself.
The secret of 3, 6 & 9 to which Nikola Tesla pointed, the knowledge was known to our ancestors for thousands of years. They knew that the number 9 is such a finishing point where everything either ends or becomes complete. For example, before a child is born, it takes 9 months in the mother's stomach to be fully developed. I think it may seem funny, but the position of the baby in the stomach also seems like shape 9.
It is MATER X, The Matrix.
This is ancient teaching. In India, there is Shiva and Shakti, the divine union of consciousness and energy. Shiva is the ultimate consciousness. And that's the development of our consciousness to a higher level. Shiva creates an immovable center. Then dancing around it is the feminine polarity, which is shakti, and shakti is ultimate energy. She is what weaves and creates everything. Just like it's women who give birth. So that female polarity is what actually creates the world. It's the Mater X, the Matrix, and it weaves all of creation together around the consciousness pole, which is at the center, connected to the divine.
The Sound can change your Brain
When two tones of slightly different frequencies are played in separate ears simultaneously (through headphones), the human brain perceives the creation of a new, third tone, which is called Binaural Beats.
According to a 2017 study, 40Hz Binaural beat is the most beneficial for enhancing focus and generating improvement in cognition.