Every Indian festival is not just a reason to enjoy and make merry. There are many scientific reasons ascertaining the logic behind celebrating festivals on certain times of the year.
Navratri, in literary terms, means ‘nine nights’. There are many lengthy stories in the Hindu scriptures which explains why this festival is celebrated twice in a year.
But there’s a scientific reason that validates why Navratri is celebrated twice a year.
Navratri is observed, once in the beginning of summer and next in the beginning of winters. If you observe the pattern, it is celebrated at two junctures of seasonal change. According to Ayurveda, eating foods like garlic, onion, meat, grains and eggs can make you attract the negative energies from the surroundings. Another reason is, during this time our body’s immunity is in it’s all time low. Eating such high-energy foods can make you prone to diseases.
So, our bodies require purification twice a year to maintain a perfect balance of good and bad in our body.
Come let’s read some scientific reasons behind fasting during Navratri
Abstaining from certain types of foods for nine days detoxifies our body. Eating fruits and easy to digest food let’s our digestive and immune system to prepare for the coming season. Even if you’re not fasting, make it a point to stay away from heavy foods like meat, chicken, eggs, grains, spices, etc for these nine days.
If you fast twice a year, you will experience that you’ll handle your life with more clarity and ease. During fasting, your digestive system is put to rest. This provides you more clarity to handle things in your life. When the negative energies are lowest, you can focus better on yourself and make better choices for yourself.