Tuesday, 20 April 2021


First of all, OM is not a word, it is a sound. Like an echo in an empty hall or room, OM was the first sound that came out of the empty universe, at the time of creation. The universe was created with a loud bang and that sounded like OM. Even NASA scientists have found that this sound is constantly being emanated from the sun with very deep sound. Below is the link for the sound NASA recorded coming out or sun, the vibrational sound.

Here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoDxFmFF5zg

It is common Practice to mispronounce this as OM. The real pronunciation is AUM.

When we just open our mouth the first sound that is produced is Aa,

When we extend our opening of the mouth that sound is converted to U

When we close our mouth the sound that is produced is uM.

So this is sound, which produces and closes within itself. That is why it is called as Prime ordeal sound PRANAVA NAADA. In the Universe, there is a constant HUMM, Scientists have listened to it.

Our ancestors were aware of this and called it Pranava. The sound when repeated continuously is saying AHUM, AHUM…… Which means I AM, Which means that Universal Energy which has no second, is constantly saying I AM, I AM.

This is not only in India. The Old Testament or Bible also terms that Universal Energy or GOD as YEHWEH, which literally means in ancient Hebrew as I AM

One of the basis for postulating the Big bang theory is this background noise of HUM or the Microwave, which is constantly being heard. It is postulated that when the infinitely small entity exploded and expanded into the Universe, the Bang that happened is reverberating even today.

Second Answer on Quora

The Illusion is that it is normal for humanity to ignore their brother or sister or the animals in need of care and nurturing. Yes, some people do understand it, and they need to go further for answers.

Religion began much farther back than Christianity, Islam, and Judaism as a way to help people remember their God/Creator. However, all of them became corrupted and full of Illusion.

God does not go through any intermediary (prophet/channeler) to speak to you. You need only to listen (meditation) to what is being said. You do not go through any intermediary to speak to God either (prayer), as in praying in someone else's name (Jesus Christ).

Both Jesus and Buddha studied in India, yet that is not widely spread information like the other false teachings. They were both trying to teach what they learned in India from the ancient Sanskrit texts about our dear Father & Mother God.

Father & Mother God are electro-magnetic energy with a consciousness (and personality) which is also known as Unconditional Love. Our souls are a spark of that divine energy. All males are of the essence of, and aspects of Shiva. All females are of the essence of, and aspects of Shakti. Together they are One known as God or Mahadev (supreme God).

The bible does state this: ... 'in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was With God, and the Word Was God.' That word is Om, the sacred syllable with which Shiva created our particular universe. (Other universes are created in different ways.)

Om is the power of Shiva, and we are able to use His power to benefit ourselves.

Om purifies us, heals us, and brings abundance into our lives. It brings forth the deepest desires of our hearts. It changed my life, and many who I have been guiding.

It makes me sad to watch hundreds of disappointed people on FB wondering when the ascension is going to take place, never realizing that it is. They are just not aware of it because they do not know the Truth. There is only one person directing this ascension ... and that is Father God, Shiva. If you do not know about Him or Mother God, now is the time to learn.

Our Lord Shiva held off the ascension in 2015 because so many were not ready. He is so compassionate he wants to wait for those that might be able to see around/through the Illusion. I know I was not ready in 2015.

It starts with not eating Father God's animals. He never intended for us to do so. Humanity was deceived about this a very long time ago, and as our electro-magnetic vibrations lowered, we were no longer able to tell when we were being lied to. 'Pashupati', one of the many names for Father God Shiva, means 'protector of animals'.

Once you stop eating the animals, you need to be saying Om in your heart often. It's recommended at least an hour a day, but you can say Om in your heart while you are doing other things such as walking, working, before you fall asleep, when you wake up ... the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Once you are doing that, you will begin to see some positive changes in your life. When you are purified, Om starts bringing you abundance and other desires of your heart. Om can attract your twin flame to you, though if your twin is not spiritually awake, it may not happen.

[Comment on this answer]

I heard once, OM is the very beginning of action, the female principle which produced the male principle out of her depth. Out of the circle, the point was born and crawled out of Her, and there was the sound, VAC Queen of Sound, mystica of speech. O is the Vesica Piscis and M the symbol of water… always used in the beginning of a ritual, funny in Western world Amen is the end of a prayer… Om mani Padme Hummmm.

[My Conclusion]

He said a point came out of the circle. He is talking about it like a myth. But, I think he is right and doesn't know that he is actually talking about black and white holes? Black hole is a circle, and the singularity center is a point. Scientists are saying that matter dies or explodes at this singularity point. But, in actuality, the point is a starting point. Matter dies (dies meaning - broken into single atoms) then explodes and scatters to the other side via white hole. These matters keep coming till black hole is opened. Now these scattered matters means a new big bang, as we say started from nothing (a point), then these scattered matters formed into planets & stars and expanded to a bigger universe. Our universe is still expanding. Maybe because black holes are still absorbing matter from the other side and scattering / throwing them here via white hole. For them, where it is absorbed, they call it black hole. For those, where it is coming, it is called a white hole.

Wikipedia - The time-reversed case would be a white hole that has existed since the beginning of the universe, and which emits matter until it finally "explodes" and disappears.

Tabhi kuch log kehte hai ke shivji shakti me se nikle hai. Kyoki circle ko female principle kaha gya and point ko male principle. Black hole aur white hole ki isi theory ki wajah se kaha gya hai ke ‘End is the new beginning’. Black holes are ending matters, but in actual, to other side, they are beginning new life.

I always had a doubt what if those people we call god eg. brahma are from higher dimensions visited to us at our lower dimension, if yes, how did they do it? How it was possible for them to access below dimensions? Maybe they had technology to travel through higher dimensions, they must have higher techs. Obviously, the point (singularity) is smaller than the circle (black hole), so more black and white holes, more higher to smaller to smaller to smaller dimensions and so on. 

And if these are not dimension, then they surely are parallel universes. Maybe Gods came from higher parallel universe, not the higher dimension.]

Why Chant OM?

(An explanation)

When you make a call from your cell phone, it emits a certain data string in the form of RF energy which the nearest cell tower picks up.

This data string consists of identification bits which usually are the first part of the string followed by other data i.e. the number you dialed or your voice.

Without these identification bits, the tower does not know where the signal came from and where to direct it to and hence disregards it.

Apply this analogy to the Universe. Consider the cosmos as an infinite source of receiving and transmitting open energy - which it is. Since OM is considered as the sound of the universe, a long chant of OM might act as an identification signal that you are transmitting something out in the universe.

Mantras being mathematically and precisely placed symphony of words, when you have a long chant of OM followed by any mantra, you actually are communicating with the cosmos on it's own frequency and conveying your message.

Consider this chanting as sound therapy, OM itself is a sound. So when we make this sound, it vibrates on a different frequency. And if somehow we could match its frequency with the frequency of the universe, I mean, maybe then we can understand the truth.

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