Monday, 13 February 2023


 You are the UNIVERSE.

You can basically do anything with synthetic RNA DNA. It's like a computer program. So, I mean I think with enough effort, that's not too crazy, you could probably stop aging, reverse it if you want. You can turn someone into a butterfly if you want, with the right DNA sequence. - Elon Musk (In an interview)

DNA is a storage medium. In other words, it's just a hard drive. You're a walking hard drive. You're a body. One gram of DNA, which is enough to put a little tiny drop on the tip of your finger, can store 700 terabytes (Tb) of data. I am not talking about ethereal data or mystical data. I'm talking about real zeros and ones that make your phone and computer work. Zeros and ones, bits of data can be stored on DNA.

DNA is highly programmable, just like a computer. And we can program a whole range of complex behavior using DNA molecules.

- Dr. Andrew Phillips (Head of Bio Computing, Microsoft Research)

DNA is the hard drive. The memory in every cell of every living organism is a digital storage medium. It's a sequence of discrete alphabet of four letters. And if we could manipulate some DNA, we could put a message in there. - Nick Goldman (Group Leader and Sr. Scientist at the European Bioinformatics Institute)

So these scientists, George Church and Sriram Kosuri, discovered it and they downloaded one of their ebooks onto the DNA. And then they uploaded it from the DNA back to the server again. You can encode digital bits of information directly onto DNA and upload it back again. What does that mean? We'are walking USB drives, literally. Now, here's what's really amazing about that. They then took that same ebook, downloaded it back to the DNA again, and said, let's see how far we can go. They replicated the book 70 billion times in 1 gram of DNA. 70 billion copies of an ebook in 1 gram, 433 petabytes of data. That would be enough hard drives if we were using commercial hard drives to fill up a whole park. 

Think about that. In one tiny drop inside of your body right now, you can store 13.5 billion years of data. Ironically, that's how old the universe is. So, we are the universe. 

You literally have all the information stored in your body from the beginning of time until this very moment. Inside of you. So when people say the universe is in you, it's not just a figure of speech, the universe is really in you. Because all bits of data and particles are all recycled over and over. All atoms are recycled. Everything is recycled. Everything that was here from the beginning is here right now. Nothing's been added, nothing's been removed.

Due to the law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed. you are just here right now in this particular form at this particular moment but all the information in your DNA will go back if you had the capability of decoding it. We know that DNA is a storage medium and it can store a massive amount of information. Like I said, on one gram of DNA 433 petabytes of data. A petabyte is a massive amount of information i.e. 1 Petabytes = 1,000,000 Gigabytes. 

So, let's take it to the next step now. They have discovered that epigenetic memories can be passed down 14 Generations inside of DNA. Memories. So you're wondering why you feel fear of this and fear of that, or you have a phobia of this or a phobia of that, or you feel strongly about this and not so strongly about that. It's not because it runs in your family, it's because it's in your DNA. Memories are in your DNA.

So what does this have to do with us? Well, we're looking at an entire race of people on this planet that have been literally enslaved, every single race  on this planet has been enslaved. In recent times, one race tried to enslave the other races. But you have to understand this, that we're all still slaves in the Matrix. It's an illusion to the ones who think they did the enslaving. Yes, they did it, but it's still an illusion. You know why? We've all been enslaved. Every single person on this planet is a slave right now, at this moment, but we can break out of it. 

One of the most important things I think when you have to understand when you're dealing with people that have been oppressed in like even more recent times, as I said, epigenetic memories go for 14 Generations. If you look at, for example, African-Americans, they've only gone out of slavery for a generation. So if you see somebody that's stressing, that's under pressure, that's feeling the negative effects of what happened in the past, you can't just wipe it away and say, it's over now. You should forget about it. Because what they're truly doing is they're suffering internally. It's an internal thing and it's not going to go away immediately. It's going to take some time. To do what? Reprogram. We have to reprogram the DNA.

This goes for a lot of the people that have been enslaved on this planet. Over many generations. 14 Generations is quite a bit of time. But we're just now coming out of different types of slavery on this planet and it's not going to go away in the blink of an eye.

Now how does this work with the law of attraction? 

What does DNA have to do with the law of attraction? It has a lot to do with the law of attraction, actually, because the Law of Attraction is actually initiated through the DNA. How many of us here have ever heard somebody say, I get a download? I haven't, have you? Don't Laugh at those people because they're really getting the download. If you think it's funny, you don't understand quantum


Scientists have also found out now that DNA sends and receives Wireless signals, Wireless information. We have a built-in Wi-Fi system in our bodies already. And this is a broadcast between eight to ten feet away from the human body. So at all times of day, we're all downloading information directly from The Ether of space-time itself. 

What's in The Ether space time?

Ether or Aether, in physics and astronomy, a hypothetical medium or substance for transmitting light and heat, filling all unoccupied space. It is the medium for transmitting light and other longitudinal and transverse (electromagnetic) waves across the universe. It is the fabric of our universe, consisting of tiny granules that transfer energy in the form of waves.

Esther in Vedas - 'Akasha' in Sanskrit, ether is the element that comes first in yogic and Ayurvedic thinking. Ether is without the firmness of earth, the coolness of water, the heat of fire or even the movement of wind. It is therefore the very essence of 'emptiness'. We are all downloading information directly from ‘The Ether of space-time' meaning we are downloading it from ‘Akashic Records’ itself. The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.

Remember, a human being can only see in a very small spectrum of light. So what we're seeing right now is literally just part of the hologram. Everything else, there's trillions and trillions of electromagnetic waves passing in you, through you, and out of you at this very moment right now. Everything is electromagnetic waves. That's all that really exists. Electromagnetic waves and Consciousness. Those two things collapse together and create what we call matter. So right now, we can't see these other waves of light, but they're there. But what's happening is if the DNA in your body is oscillating (moving or swinging back and forth) at a specific frequency that matches the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that's already out there, you can download information from that wave. What do waves carry? They carry information? Electromagnetic waves carry information. All the information contained in the entire universe is passing through us and all around us at all times.

There is no original idea. If you're just sitting around and saying, I have a great idea. I'm gonna invent so and so. No, not really. What happened was you got on the right frequency and you downloaded the information directly from the universe. 

There's a professor called James S. Gates Jr. He was the Scientific Advisor to President Obama in that era but he's a specialist in super Symmetry and theoretical physics. He gets together this super team of quantum physicists and they start digging into The Ether of space time to figure out what is floating in us and around us. What is this space time? What is space? And he discovers that it operates on something called adinkra codes. And these adinkra codes can be traced back to the Dogon tribe in Mali. Africa. Who actually were the original Egyptians. They later migrated out to Mali, but they have these codes. These codes represent flat codes on their cloth. But when you take them into a third dimension they represent sophisticated numerical mathematics that depict something called error correcting codes in our modern science. And these error correcting codes are what run search engine browsers and websites. So what is governing the function of our space-time reality in the third dimension is a software program that runs websites and search engines. This is how powerful you are.

So what's happening is you're syncing up with information that's already on the net. And it's downloading into your body and you're processing that. But that's the Wi-Fi part of it. So with the law of attraction, what happens is, the law of attraction is not just some thing. A lot of people say, I'm going to use theLaw of Attraction, but they really don't know how to utilize it the proper way. And it's a really powerful tool to use in your life. And if you really, truly understand the Law of Attraction, you're gonna make your life so much easier. It goes along though with the reprogramming process. You have to begin to start the reprogram, if you want it to work consistently. You can make it work by accident here and there, but if you want to work consistently, you have to continue to Reprogram your DNA and then you have to understand one other thing, quantum entanglement. But in quantum entanglement, which is something in real physics, it's where you use something called parabolic down conversion to get two photons or two particles on the same frequency. So once you get two particles on the same frequency, you could take one particle to the other end of the universe, if you had the capability of getting it there. And the particle that's local to you, you can change the information in it, put data on it, and the other particle will change instantaneously, bypassing the speed of light. 

What does this prove? the thing that I said in the beginning. DISTANCE IS AN ILLUSION. There is no distance. Separation is an illusion. Matter of fact, there's 7.5 billion people on this planet. If I were to take all of the empty space out of your atoms, I could fit all 7.5 billion people into a sugar cube. It's Just an Illusion. It's a hologram. It's all Consciousness and waves out there. It's really all that exists. But I'm back to the Law of Attraction. So what happens in the law of attraction is once you understand how quantum entanglement works, scientists now have discovered that the neurons in the brain phase in and out of the third dimensional reality. Your neurons between your synapses are actually phasing in and out of the third dimension. Where are they going? They're communicating with other Realms and other dimensions, seeking a Quantum entangling with particles and thoughts in other places. When you look into the ancient tablets, especially the Emerald tablets, where Thoth is talking about the power of manifestation through meditation and thought. And he's literally talking about how to sync with the universal Consciousness, through Christ Consciousness. So the Christ Consciousness doesn't mean you're syncing up with Jesus Christ. What it means is you're syncing up what the idea, the concept of this higher level of Consciousness that exists out there in space-time. So when you are yourself, and aligning yourself properly with the universe, you are vibrating on a high frequency. 

What does that mean vibrating on a high frequency? That means you're thinking with love, not thinking with hate. You're thinking with power and love not fear and weakness. And when you do that, that puts your DNA scientifically at a high frequency. This has been done in Laboratories. They have taken DNA. They've analyzed a person's thought patterns through caps that they put on with electrodes, and they've got them looking at photos, photos that show people getting murdered, then a photo of a field of flowers, then a photo of somebody hugging a child, and then a photo of somebody getting beat up, And they analyze those thought patterns in a laboratory, and this is how they learned this. So at specific times when you're feeling the mode of fear, there's a frequency that oscillates (move or swing back and forth) over your DNA. It covers a very wide band of other frequencies, and it covers less of your DNA. But in a high frequency, love mode, the frequency oscillates much faster and they (DNA and frequency) are much closer together. And more of the frequency is touching your DNA strand, which means you're operating at a high frequency. This is real science. It's not like oh man these people just got up here and talking about aliens and frequencies and all this stuff they don't know what they're talking about. No, we are talking about real quantum physics and quantum mechanics. It's important for you to know because when you tell people about this stuff, you're a weirdo. But when you back it up with science, they gotta sit down and listen. 

So now, for example, you're saying I want to manifest a spouse into my life, that's operating in the same frequency that I'm operating, that's moving in the same way that I'm moving, because if one person's going this way, another person's going that way, it won't work out. Not because that person is all wrong or that you are all wrong, but because it just won’t be a perfect match on the frequency level. So, to achieve that, meditations, start focusing on envisioning, not a face, not a body, just a Spirit, Light being that is in full agreement and movement in what you are looking to do and accomplish on this planet. By doing that, you will start operating at a higher level, syncing up with the Christ Consciousness. The Christ consciousness is going to carry that photonic or that particle energy, to sync up with the universal Consciousness in a quantum entanglement.

Similar - As told in the above para, the same thing was told in the book ‘Breath Inside’. That, all is in your breath. That your breath works as a mediator between your brain neurons and the universal Consciousness. Your brain knows what it wants. And what it wants, is actually available in the universe. Now what breath do. When You exhale, focus on what you want, focus on your breath, then your breath takes the msg from the brain and takes it to the universal Consciousness. Now, When you inhale, your breath receives back the msg from the universe and then it starts to manifest. Which is called ‘Law of Attraction’, attracting what you want. It is possible through regular meditation and focusing practices. You need to focus on your breath.

Just like in standard physics, where we have a globe in space and you see space warps around the globe, replace the globe (Earth) with your Consciousness, with your mind. Now, space-time is warping around your Consciousness, your mind. And the things that you're looking for (your desires) are falling towards you. Your brain is attracting those things to you now. 

Because what happens to a body in space that warps space? Things Fall towards it.

What if the earth is wrapped with a space-time sheet? What will happen? All the planets will fall towards the earth due it’s attraction power, due to its gravity. Same thing is with the brain, the Consciousness. 

Now, consider your mind at the place of earth, and imagine it is wrapped with a space-time sheet, which contains all the things you want in life. What would happen? Those things you want in life will start falling towards your mind, your consciousness, due to your gravity power, which in our case can be achieved through focusing. That is how the Law of Attraction works.

You're creating your own quantum entanglement. You're creating a law of attraction now through focusing, through breathing, through meditating. You literally create a gravity wheel, so to speak, that things happen to fall towards you. And as you begin to operate in this mode, it then begins to happen subconsciously, it becomes a habit of the mind, where you don't even have to directly focus, as now the universe knows what you need. If you're operating at the right frequency, those things will just occur in your life and pop up for you.

So finally, the point is that we have the capability to reprogram ourselves. DNA is a storage medium. It's extremely powerful. And because we have the capability to reprogram ourselves, we can change the future generations on this planet. We can help heal people. There's a lot of people on this planet who need healing.

Nikola Tesla

Your brain as a human has nothing to do with your creativity, with your ideas, and your understanding of things. The brain is designed to do only one thing and one thing only. It is to control the mechanisms of your body. It controls the electrical impulses that go to your muscles so that you can walk, run, so you can climb. It controls your body's muscles. It controls the movement of the human body. It controls the blinking of the eye, the swallowing of water. It controls everything in your body. It's nothing more than a  controlling mechanism for your human body. But when it comes to your imagination, your creativity, the ideas and Concepts that come out of you, the scientists have no idea where your spiritual perceptions come from, where your thoughts come from, the scientists have no idea at all. All that we know and it has nothing to do with your brain. Your brain does not give you inspiration. It merely takes care of your body. And so therefore, where do your thoughts come from? 

When the great composers were composing Beautiful music, where do those ideas for the music come from? When you get people who are writing profoundly important books, where do we say they were truly inspired? Where we know it wasn't in their mind. It came from outside of their brain. So it implies that our inspiration is being overshadowed by some kind of higher intelligence in the universe. Something out there is feeding us information, and it's called inspiration. We are being inspired and some people just naturally pick up on inspiration from out there, wherever it comes from and they can create beautiful music, Beautiful art, they can design Rockets, they can design lasers, televisions, all kinds of strange and wonderful imaginations in the human mind. But it does not come from your brain. It comes from out there and so when you listen to the composers of music, you can tell they were inspired. They didn't just read it out of a book. If you understand what they were doing, they're not just picking sounds that sound nice. No. It was mathematical. It was a very deep understanding of the creation of the universe, the breathing in and the breathing out of the universe. It had to do with an occult, heavy duty science of vibrations, rhythms, and how they could change the whole concept of a Nation, by music. Germans used the music from Wagner and it inspired, in America has music that inspired the nation because there is some kind of a mathematical science to it, to put music together and of course in Hollywood you have what is called programmed music. In a movie,  when something evil is going to happen, you get a certain kind of music. When something is going to be funny and silly and to be laughed at, you get that kind of music behind it. 

So it's programming your mind with music. So that you are inspired to get the idea out of the movie. So inspiration is not part of what the brain does. Inspiration comes from outside the brain. Human family, the human people on the Earth, their brains are incredible computers, they're alive and that computer runs on wiring and we're told that we our blood vessels and our nerves our miles and miles of nerve endings in our body. That's the wiring for the computer to all the body. To control the body, the brain needs to be able to send messages out to certain nerves for you to do certain things. And so, the brain is a computer, and what we call God is some kind of a Wi-Fi unit (Universal Consciousness). If you've ever seen a flock of birds with thousands of birds and you see them all flying in One Direction. And they all then flip back and turn and go a different way. How come all of the birds knew to turn at that very one second point? Thousands of fish, all sailing along together, instantly all of a sudden they all go in a different direction. How is that possible? One incredible story about how the brain communicates with the heavens, and the heavens communicate with you. 

We know that the planets and the Sun and the Moon affect your brain. And the planets all have a resonant frequency. And each one of those planets when you were born, affected your mind. When you were born, you came out of your mother into the world, and the sun has a profound electrical feel on the earth that is causing incredible stuff to happen. And the moon affects people, it affects the female. It affects her periods once a month because of the Moon. The Moon pulls the oceans of the world. We know that the moon affects the oceans. Why? because they're water, and the moon affects water. This is why your body is like 76% water. So how does the moon affect you at the full moon? Well, it causes you to get silly and crazy, sometimes really crazy. We call you Luna-Tic. (Moon is also called Lunar) Why? Because the Moon is affecting your blood, it's affecting your brain. The vibrations in your mind are being affected by the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter. And so Women Are from Venus and Men Are from Mars. Meaning, our minds operate differently, because of the way we're born and who we are and the vibrations in the brain is a very big subject about inspiration. And why the inspiration comes from out there?

Tesla was in his late 80s, very old and he was given a big Awards dinner in New York where the world was thanking him for all the incredible things that he had given to the world and he said, Nicola Tesla spoke to the audience and he said, I have to tell you how I got my ideas, to do what I've done. He said, every evening Before bed, I will put a notepad on the little table next to my bed with a pen or a pencil. And he said that every morning when I wake up there's a written invention on the pad. Somebody comes into my room at night and writes down an invention and the next morning I get up and it's all written out for me and so I just go to my laboratory and follow the instructions, and I invented radio, I invented alternating current, or I made this invention or that invention. And today, Nikola Tesla has lit the world and given us radio and all kinds of wonderful things this man gave to the world. But he said he was inspired by someone writing it down when he was sleeping. And so, that's inspiration, to inspire, comes from the word spire, to perspire, Inspire. And so Spire is to breathe together. Breathing is a spire. And so someone was breathing into him their ideas, and coming from somewhere out. So that was one point I wanted to make about inspiration. It doesn't necessarily come from you. It comes from out there.

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